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Hi cohesion Lo cohesion
Urbanization Urbanization
HiLo HiLo
SuicideHi2 1Hi74 9
Lo23 90Lo10

1. Find relationship between suicide rates and degree of urbanization.

2. Find relationship between suicide rates and degree of urbanization when cohesion is held constant.

3. Find the relationship between suicide rates and cohesion when urbanization is held constant.

PersonIncome Social Class Age
A10 Medyoung
B6 Loold
C10 Loyoung
D10 Medold
E6 Hiyoung
F2 Hiold
G2 Hiyoung
H2 Loold

4. What is the relationship between income and social class with age held constant? (Compute and interpret the partial Gamma.)

5. What is the relationship between age and social class with income held constant? (Compute and interpret the partial Gamma.)

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